My Senior Footprint


Last week I created a video for my English class. The video was about what I learned in the past 1365 days of high school. I made this video about how time management is an an important thing in high school with the purpose of maybe get a message towards the freshmen. 

Through out the recording and the making of the video I used several techniques of lighting, angles and music. As the film director of this film I made sure each angle of the camera had a meaning. Also I made sure that the music is dramatic as a way of showing my struggle throughout the years. 

High Angle 

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Screenshot from “My Senior Footprint” video by: Julio Lopez

High Angle is when the camera is above the subject (looking down). The purpose of why I used this angle is to demonstrate a sense of powerless or trapped. This angle makes the subject look smaller, giving him, in this case myself, an appearance of being weak. 

In this scene Im struggling with my homework and Im just tired of doing it, so I just gave up because I knew I would not finish it in time. 4 years ago I would prefer to go out and play soccer and go to practices instead of finishing homework. So when I got back home I just felt so trapped and stressed out that I ended up doing nothing. 

Side Lighting

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Screenshot from “My Senior Footprint” video by: Julio Lopez

In this scene I decided to use a side lighting which is when the actor has one half of the face with light and the other half in the shadows. This can mean that the subject is conflicted mysterious or dangerous. In this case Im trying to show a sense of confliction and struggle. 

In this scene Im struggling with school work and Im really trying to change myself and figure out ways on finishing my work on time but procrastination and poor time management skills keep holding me back from success, hence one side with light and the other one in the shadows. 



Photo by Arindam Mahanta on Unsplash

For my video I wanted to have a dramatic song. I feel that orchestras are dramatic so for the start of the video I made sure it was as dramatic as possible because it creates a mood to the video and since Im showing my struggles and failures I wanted to be clear that those were rough times. 

After all the struggles and failures shown in the video I then show how I changed throughout time and how getting better at managing my time help me maintain a balance between sports and classes.  When showing this I made sure to include a more up-beat type song,  in which gives a completely different mood to those watching it. 



Photo by Martin Widenka on Unsplash

The point of all this was for me to show my senior footprint and what I considered to be the most important thing that I learned these past 4 years. I hope this message can go to those starting in High School because I really didn’t think time management was important but now I highly recommend it, it is so important. Specially if you are doing a sport.

I really regret not being organized in my freshman and sophomore year so as my senior footprint I tell you enjoy every moment that you can but always make sure you balance your time correctly. Obviously this message goes to the freshman starting their High School life. 




Alice In Wonderland


I’m going to talk about the techniques used in the film Alice In Wonderland, directed by Tim Burton. I believe that Tim Burton has its own technique, he uses a lot of low key lighting and has a gothic style in his movies.

In Alice in Wonderland, Burton uses a nightmare and scary approach towards the storyline. Alice is a normal girl that as a child had a nightmare about a fantastic world called Wonderland, little did she know that the dream she had was real. She then grew up to realize that wonderland is a world created by her and she had to save this fantastic world by killing a giant dragon called Jabberwocky. 


Alice In Wonderland by Tim Burton

High Key Lighting

In the image above Tim Burton uses the High Key Lighting technique which can be seen because the scene is just flooded with light, Tim Burton uses this to demonstrate and create a sense of happiness, clarity and peace. The scene takes place on the White Queen’s palace where the Queen meets Alice for the first time, it is the most peaceful and joyful scene in the movie.

This scene can help the audience to realize that when ever they see white in a scene or in a character it means that they are with the White Queen or in the good side. 

Light vs darkness


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Alice In Wonderland by Tim Burton

In this scene Alice has already killed the giant beast called Jabberwocky meaning that now the crown goes back to the White Queen, this scene can be seen as a Good vs Bad scenario, or light vs darkness. 

The way the Queen dresses herself is also a way to clarify towards the audience that she itself represents peace and joy. In fact almost every time the Queen is the focus point in a scene, Burton uses high key lighting. It is important for the director, in this case Tim Burton, to use high key lighting because it can show a contrast between scenes, giving the viewers a space to understand what the characters mean in the movie and what “side” are they on. In this case the viewers can make a sense of purity in the White Queen and a sense of horror with the Red Queen therefore going back to the Light vs Darkness thing. 




Alice In Wonderland by Tim Burton

In this scene Alice goes back to reality and tells Hamish that she can not marry him because he is not the right man. This scene represents a moment of clarity for Alice and a moment of revelation and the director chooses the lighting to be bright because of Alice’s freedom from her mother that tells her what to do and how to act. This is the ending scene and as expected high key lighting is used just like in any other movie with a happy ending. 

The scene gives the viewer a sense of things ending and all the loose ends being caught up. The viewer can also relate with the scene because Alice is giving a speech about how she wants to be free and that no one but herself control her life, therefore it is ideal for the director to use high key lighting so that the viewer can take that message and relate to it. 


Impact of High Key Lighting

Throughout the movie Tim Burton plays with both High Key Lighting and Low Key Lighting and it gives a big important impact to the movie because it differentiates from good and evil. This can help the viewer to transition better from the tense and scary type of place like the Red Queen’s Castle and transition to the White Queen’s Castle which is more peaceful and less heavy with the shadows, it can be seen as a place to “breath” and take a break from looking at too many shadows and dark places. 

What I like about Tim burton is that he not only plays with the Lighting of the scene but the way the characters dress can also persuade the audience that the White Queen, well she represents all the happy and good things you can think off and whenever she is on scene then everything is going to be okay even if the scene is with a low key lighting. 

The use of different lighting is important in a movie or even in a picture because it creates a mood to the movie and it makes everything so much interesting since the lighting can represent much more than just light. It can represent the mood of the characters at that moment and the actions that they are doing at that moment as well. 

Coffee Culture

Coffee Culture is mainly about social gatherings that depend on Coffee. This culture is unique because anyone in the world can relate to Coffee Culture since it is all around us, even when we don’t notice it. For students its a study gathering or coffee is their source of energy to get through the day, for others is just a hot drink that it cannot miss in the mornings. In this blog im going to talk about the importance and evolution of Coffee Culture. 

How It All Started

Coffee Culture has existed way back in the 14th century in Turkey but it became more recognized and popularized in the 17th and 18th century in London since coffee shops became a social spot for intellectuals and artists that came to discuss their works or even to write on projects. In fact coffee was described by intellectuals as “an intoxicant, a euphoric, a social and physical stimulant, and a digestive aid” .

For many years Coffeehouse have been “places for renegotiating the social hierarchy and for challenging the social order” , as time continued its course Coffeehouse became a place for the “Cafe Society” in the late 19th century in New York, Paris and London. Now this was a place in which famous people or people with money came and just gathered around a fashionable Cafe restaurant.


The best thing about Coffee Culture is that anyone can be in it, thats what so unique about it because there are multiple variations of coffee for anyone, besides the pastries and food that some coffee places sell are amazing so you don’t necessarily need to drink coffee in order to be part of the Coffee Culture, since this culture is about interacting  with one another. 


Coffee Around The World

There are so many traditions of Coffee Culture around the world. For example, Italians, Turkish and Cubans, they all drink coffee differently therefore having different cultures and traditions of drinking coffee. 


The Italians mainly drink Espresso in the morning before 11 AM, it is not acceptable to drink coffee after this hour and the Espresso is a strong type of coffee that is served in a small cup that has to be consumed inmidietly after ordering. No take out for an Espresso in Italy. 


A famous Turkish proverb says that coffee should be “as black as hell, as strong as death and as sweet as love.” Turkish are a bit different from the way they serve coffee since it is traditionally served after a big meal, followed with some sort of candy to alleviate the bitterness of the coffee. 


The way Cuba drink their coffee represents other Latin American cultures as well. I can relate with the way Cubans drink their coffee since I’m from Honduras, we do like our coffee strong and it does not matter the time of day it can be morning, afternoon, or even at night, especially after every meal it’s like a tradition.


Image by: Artem Beliakin on

Influence of Coffee in Society

Personally drinking coffee or being in a coffee shop is a great social part of my life because these places are organized in a way that you feel comfortable and warm just like at home and even better while you are having a conversation with someone or working/studying with your friends. 

“One study found that offering coffee in the lounge area of a nursing home encouraged increased social interaction”(coffee and health) this social interaction brings people together all over the world since coffee is the second most popular drink in the world after water. It has an impact on everyone even if you don’t drink coffee, it is not some sort of cult that MAKES you drink coffee inside the coffee shops. It is just an opportunity for people to connect with one another. 



Image by: Helena Lopes from



Language in the Coffee Culture is rich and unique, Ill give a few important words with its meaning that might help you when ordering your first coffee if you haven’t tried it yet. 

Espressoit’s a 1oz or 2oz cup of ground coffee oftenly strong and served with no milk just straight black. The three major parts that an espresso should have is The sweet crema( on the top) which is like a very thin foam mixed with water, then The Body which is the main part of the espresso and at the bottom The Heart, within the heart of the espresso shot are the shot’s bitter qualities which balance out the sweetness of the crema and the Espresso’s aroma.

Latte: is a little bit of espresso and a lot of milk within a cap of foam. served between 10oz and up.

Latte Macchiato: is a Latte made by pouring the espresso last and then on top foam and milk. 

Macchiato: the word itself is an Italian word that mean “to stain”. So a Macchiato is a single or double shot of an Espresso, marked or stained with a little bit of foam or milk. 

Mocha: it is named after a popular drink made by Portuguese traders at the port of Mocha. It is a drink made with chocolate, espresso, steamed milk, and topped whip cream. 


Photo by Firdaus Roslan on Unsplash

These are some examples of “Language” in the Coffee Culture I really hope this can be useful for you sometime. I want to say that Coffee is a big part of my life, I’ve been drinking coffee since I was little, it might have not been healthy for a 7 year old but it was part of my culture and tradition back home and it still is, this is mainly why I choose to write about Coffee Culture and explore more about other traditions around the world.

I think Coffee itself is more than just a drink, without coffee some things would have been completely different, for example the show “Friends” it would not be the same without coffee, 6 friends would not be joining at a Central Perk drinking coffee. Imagine that! 



Conspiracy Theory: The Earth is Flat

Recently I discovered that there has been a conspiracy theory in the internet that the Earth is flat and not round. This group is called “Flat – Earthers” and it for me it is crazy to believe the great amount of people that believe in this theory.

The theory is not new, “Samuel Rowbotham came up with with a variety of creative interpretations of cosmology in the mid-1800” in this time it was uncertain for people to believe whether or not the earth was flat or round and most of the people believed it was flat but in the modern area there is proof, satellite proof, pictures from space, well studied astronomers and astrophysicists that can prove anyone wrong about the earth being flat but as always their is uncertainty and plus the internet is more powerful than we think.


Photo by João Silas on Unsplash


The Power of Social Media

In today’s society this conspiracy theory comes from social media, specially twitter. Celebrities such as B.O.B posted his believe on twitter saying things like “where is the curve?” or “the horizon is always eye level” this type of comment have increased the popularity of “Flat- Earthers” it started as a joke but then people started debating on Twitter and/or Reddit (A free-speech subreddit for the debate of the flat earth hypothesis.)   

A person commented on this subreddit and said that “not everybody else believes on the lies NASA tells to the people” this can mean that most “Flat Earthers” do not believe in government organizations and “Flat Earthers” use the excuse of how the government hides everything from the public and lies about everything to convince or create uncertainty on people so that they too believe that their is a possibility of the earth being flat. 



Photo by on Unsplash


How Internet Conspiracy Theories Go Viral

“Conspiracy theories are nothing new to the human imagination, of course, but the speed and ubiquity of Twitter and other social media platforms provide fertile ground for alternative narratives – especially for violent events.”

In my opinion I believe that the earth is round and for me this conspiracy theory has been just a joke created by a troll. Technology has advanced too much, we have satellites going around earth that can take pictures from space, there is actual proof of the earth being round. This debate began on Twitter and for me it is the most untrustworthy source for news or any type of information. 

Everybody Lies

In the book Everybody lies there is an interesting quote that goes with this subject; “The internet gives us a virtually unlimited number of options from which we can consume the news, I can read whatever I want.” (Pg.140) this quote is an ugly truth about social media, we tend to believe whatever there is on the internet since there is infinite amount of information out there, it is crazy. No wonder why we believe on a bunch of conspiracy theories. This explains it. 

The internet and social media plays a big part on conspiracy theories now a days because millions of people are connected and separated into groups depending of their beliefs or political views therefore creating lies and sometimes even debating the undebatable. But it is one’s choice of what to believe in and as long as we respect each others views, no matter how crazy the conspiracy theory is, then I think conspiracy theories are not bad after all. 



Media and Me

The internet help us to communicate and to be connected more. What really surprises me is the fact that it can tell us who we are and what we believe in based on our search history or social media. The book ,“Everybody lies” by Seth Stephens,  explains this. The author talks about “Google Trends” which is a tool that shows what words or phrases are the most popular.

Based on the data of this tool the author explained that “Google searches that included the word “Obama” also included KKK or Ni***r President” this tell us more about other people than never, this type of results is a way of showing what we really think and how the media and the internet defines you as a person. This does not mean that you are going to say the N word out loud at public, the internet and the media is a more sneaky way to say what you really believe in. 

The book reflects that based on the search results because even though people said that Obama was the most favorable candidate, social media was saying otherwise, “there was a darkness and hatred that was hidden from the traditional sources” (pg7) 



How Media Influences Me

Instagram is an app that we use to see pictures of celebrities, friends, trends and memes of course. However there is more than that. Instagram influences how we dress and what things to buy and what not to buy or where. There is an article called “How Social Media Is Changing Fashion” that says that a runway show “hired David Beckham’s son to photograph their last campaign because of his close 6 million followers on Instagram.” without knowing we can dress a certain way because of what media portrays on us and shows us.

It is because of Beckham’s son people will most likely buy the type of cloth he is portraying on his Instagram account.

Based on your favorite artist you hear or the movie you just watched it is most likely for you to want to be like them. For example, without knowing I started to buy different type of clothes because of my favorite singer, I was so into it that I didn’t noticed. It is so fast and easy for social media to manipulate on people, sometimes for the better and other times for the worst.


In my point of view social media is not bad. Yeah it can manipulate me on the way I dress but for me its a minor thing, as long as I like it is fine. But I say is not that bad for me because I don’t let social media manipulate me on my way of thinking, meaning political views or personal beliefs. I defend my point of view. I use social media influence me on positive things such as sports, I use it to become a better soccer player and team player, as a tool to learn new skills. It is our choice to decide if we let social media control us or the other way around. 

Zombie Apocalypse: Possible?

Do you think a zombie apocalypse is possible? I would say that there is a small possibility that a disease spreads and makes the world more violent, therefore the world becoming a place of survivors and ill people but I don’t really think that it would be like the movies.

The Diary of a Zee

Recently I read a story called “The Diary of a Zee” by Brian LeCluyse. This is the story of a professor that died and came back to life as a zombie and he is recording everything that has happened in the world and how he is slowly decaying and transforming into a zombie. What destroyed humanity in this story was an engineered organism “that would soon clean the Seven Seas of the Great Garbage patches.” This experiment went wrong and killed dolphins and whales while leaving a virus inside of them. First human cases of these virus was Japan and from there it expanded globally. 



Photo by Hoshino Ai on Unsplash

I think that there is no way that a person could make a documentation like this since a symptoms of being a zombie is to be intellectually dead, there is no way there could be an intelligent zombie and if this could ever be possible then all normal humans would go extinct because then intelligent zombies would be able to create ridiculous ways to take over the world quicker.  

Zombie Virus

There is a lot of articles and studies to show if a zombie apocalypse is possible but the one that grabbed my attention was a blog made by Harvard Health Publishing because it explains how a zombie virus might spread.

“Although a pandemic that creates zombie-like symptoms is theoretically possible, a real-life zombie apocalypse shouldn’t be high up on our list of worries, says Dr. Schlozman.” with this in mind, it makes me question how would I prepare for a zombie apocalypse? and would I be able to have a diary or some record while being a zombie just like in the Short Story?

If this happens and I am able to maintain a diary of some sort it would be great because I would documentate my daily life as a zombie, it’s like documenting a the second chance you got to live! Sort of… 


Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

I would also write about how differently others reacted to the virus and try to “live” my life at the fullest. I wouldn’t worry about “dying” again because I would be the biggest threat from those who are not zombies, so I would just stay away from real humans and enjoy little perks of being a zombie. 

A Broken Utopia

In this blog post I will discuss 3 different examples of a broken Utopia and explain why these can be a form of Utopia. These being  “The Jonestown Documentary, The village (Film) and a short story called “The lottery”. (Spoilers).

Jonestown Documentary

These past week, I’ve been watching and analyzing “The Jonestown” documentary. The documentary is about how a cult was created based on the idea of equality and religion. The leader was Jim Jones, he was the one behind the mass murder/suicide in “The people’s Temple Agricultural Project” on November 18, 1978. A total of 909 people died.

The Village

The village is a psychological horror film that is located in a abandoned/isolated village in which people are not able to go out in the woods or go to other villages because there are monsters that apparently have a peace treaty with humans, if the villagers don’t go into the woods then they won’t come and bother the village. The film takes a huge twist when you found out that the monsters are actually false and that the ones that run the village are the monsters and the ones behind the big facade.


Photo by Fineas Anton on Unsplash

The Lottery

The Lottery is a short story by Shirley Jackson, that takes place in a little town that every year they make a “Lottery” that consists on choosing a random person of any family member and throw stones at him/her until she/he dies. The decision making for this is really quick and without hesitation, even the same family members have to throw rocks at him/her.

How Are these Examples Of Utopia?


All three of these examples are a Broken Utopia therefore creating a Dystopian society. These stories and films have similar society problems, one of them being that there is some kind of division between the people, there is always a leader and the rest just follows what he/she says without hesitation. For me I think this kind of Dystopia is really bad because you are no longer thinking for yourself, you are giving full control of your life to those incharge. What is fascinating is how these leaders get to convince a large group of people to do whatever they want and to follow them.


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

What most shocked me was the Jonestown Documentary because Jim Jones started to test people’s loyalty in a church! This was madness because Jim Jones gave water to everyone and told the members to drink it and right after all of them did, he said that it was poison and that everyone would die in the next 10 minutes or so. Some people were going crazy and freaking out while others just stood there silently and accepted the fait that Jim Jones just gave them.

This was a scary scenario. He later said that those who were screaming and crying were traitors of these society and that he felt betrayed and offended that these people did not trust him. At the end it was a test of loyalty and figure out who would give his/her life for him.

Real World Scenarios.

The Lottery hits on real world scenarios. I would say that the act of persecution on the innocent is one of them, this is a real problem in the real world because a lot of people get sentenced to death or sentence to a life in prison while they are innocent. I think the author is criticizing the quick judgment people have on those that are accused of something horrible, without any hesitation.

All three stories/films are meant to be Perfect Utopias, Jim Jones had a perfect plan by separating from the world and create his own “Heaven”, The Village and The Lottery are two perfect societies with a twist turn but there is a major problem of dictatorships and people not questioning their leader and this is why these are considered to be Broken Utopias.


Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash






Utopia, A Better World For Everyone?

Utopia can be defined as different things but one thing is for sure, the purpose of a Utopia is for the world to be perfect. In the end everyone has different ideas of a Utopian society, some think is bad and some think is good. In my english class we are discussing if we agree or disagree that a Utopia is good or not and if it’s the best solution for everyone. 

The Automation Wave

Automation is getting closer everyday and in today’s society it can be an issue. I believe that Automation can be good for the economy but also bad for those that rely on the minimum wage because basically with automation you are getting rid of jobs like cashiers and truck driving. There was even an article that said that “Analysts have said truck driving probably will be the first form of driving in the U.S. to be fully automated, ” this is because self driving cars are already been tested and invented, ready to take over normal cars in a few years.

The Automation wave is best described in the book “Rise Of The Robots” by Martin Ford. In Pg.23 the author talks about robots in agriculture and how robots took away jobs from farmers because “robotic milking systems are now a common use on dairy farms.” in my opinion automation could be a potential threat to the white-collar jobs because they are the easiest to substitute with robots. This can be a possibility that an utopian world can be realistic because the government will get rid of the lower working class with robots making it more efficient and cheap. 




Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Is A Utopia Possible?

With the technology evolving everyday it can be said that a utopian society is close of happening but if you take into consideration other aspects of a Utopian society, for example a controlled government where everything is perfect and world peace is a thing, then it becomes less provable of a Utopia happening. I say this because to be realistic we don’t leave in a perfect world no matter if you live in a third world country or a first world country. Even if in the future a utopian society is created I think it would look like the one in a short story called “The Ambulancemen” by Heather Parry, that appears on a book called “After The Fall: Tales Of The Apocalypse”. 


Photo by Arif Wahid on Unsplash

 The society in this short story is described as a nightmare because there is no sick people, everyone eats healthy, there is no obesity etc… but this is possible because the government created a type of “Ambulance Men” that would disappear anyone that happens to be sick. This is why I can only imagine a Utopia being possible if there’s something bad in it just like in the short story. There’s a consequence of everything being perfect, for example in the story the narrator said “I hang my mask at the door. I take a seat amongst polite chatter while someone holds me a cup of herbal tea” I think this quote can describe perfectly a utopian society where everyone is “perfect” and healthy when in reality everyone is just faking it so that bad things won’t happen to them.

For me the idea of a Utopian society is not possible because based on the articles and books, I understood what it takes to create a Utopian world and the consequences that come with it. 



Technology At Its Worst

How It Begins

The fourth industrial revolution is already happening right in front of our eyes and the discussions of weather people of minimum wage will keep their jobs or be replaced by robots keeps rising. 

When I first talked about what would happen in the future, concerning jobs, I thought about people that worked at Mcdonalds or fast food restaurants employees. And for a moment I thought that this revolution of robots was not happening until 10 years from now. I think that my perspective of technology taking over jobs is to vague because today in 2017 there are already jobs that are now technological and that we don’t even notice since it benefits everyone. 

So the industrial revolution begins with small things that maybe we don’t even notice it took jobs or how it affected people. For example the Airport shuttle or the new Airport train transportation. I know it’s not robots but it is a kind of technology that replaced human jobs because there used to be a bus and people that helped you with your bags so that you could get in the bus. Another example that happened recently is the self-service in target, in which you can pay by yourself. Eventually this will take over the cahiers job. 



Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Computers and softwares are taking over the world fast and this might affect our next generation. Personally i’m scared of the new school system of kids using IPads and computers since third grade and I say personally because I can see it in my little sister which is currently in third grade and she is already using an IPad to do homework and I just think about the fact that future kids will not be able to even write because they are so used to use touch screen devices. In fact I can see it in my other little brother he is just 5 years old and he already thinks that everything is a touchscreen even the T.V. Right now I just laugh about it but later I think about how he will grow up in the more futuristic Fourth Revolution and how this might affect him in a more personal way like his career choosing, like maybe he would NEED to study something about technology or computer software so that he could be in a better job position. 

In the end we all need to accommodate to what is happening to the world. Maybe this will incentivise people to study and be above machines so that they can get a job and excel in that job. It is the survival of the fittest and we can’t deny that if you want to be part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution then we all need to accept it and learn from it and let us not forget about the morals that makes us humans and unique along this process. 

Rhetorical Appeals in Movie Trailers

Rhetorical Appeals are three different elements of the art of persuasion, defined by Aristotle. One of them being “Ethos” which is an appeal for credibility, it establish trust to the reader. The author is trying to portray this credibility with citations and also in some cases by his background, if he/she has a college degree and awards related to the topic. The second appeal is called “Pathos”, this type of appeal is to demonstrate emotions to the reader or viewer. The last and third appeal is “Logos” this is the appeal to logic. 


Pathos in Movie Trailers.

Pathos is generally found in movies that are dramatic, this type of Appeal connects to the audience emotions and what makes the viewer feel emotional are the visuals and the music. Personally what makes a movie great is the soundtrack, in the trailers the author is trying to reflect what the movie is about and it is trying to convience the viewer that this movie will make you feel emotional, and he does this by choosing the right soundtrack. Usually Drama Movie Trailers have some kind of slow and inspirational music which comes fluently with the visuals. Trailers often show the viewer the most exciting, funny, dramatic moments of the film and the trailer usually end in the climax point of the film. An example of this is “Collateral Beauty” the trailer portrays sadness, love, happiness and fear (death) this emotions are what make the viewers watch the movie, the music on this trailer is on point and what the producer shows in the 2 minute trailer leaves the viewer wanting more, wondering what will happen. 



A Drama film starring Will Smith


Ethos in Movie Trailers

In movie trailers is a great way to create credibility towards the viewers that this movie will be the best, by listing famous actors and producers. In this case the main character is Will Smith as Howard Inlet in “Collateral Beauty”. Will Smith is one of the best actors in the world he has done great movies, what else does the viewer need in order to believe that this movie will be great. Besides the actors, the trailer introduces the producer which in this case is David Frankelhe is known for his drama films like “Hope Springs” starting Tommy Lee Jones, this creates credibility towards the viewer. 


Logos in Movie Trailers

Trailers can also appeal to Logos by listing the previous awards of the directors and actors to logically persuade the audience. For example in the trailer of “Collateral Beauty” at the end of the trailer the characters are introduced individually by their real names along with their awards or nominees in the oscars or academy awards. Also trailers have different film companies promoting the movie, like lions gate or universal studios. lionsgate_logo__130205232044