Zombie Apocalypse: Possible?

Do you think a zombie apocalypse is possible? I would say that there is a small possibility that a disease spreads and makes the world more violent, therefore the world becoming a place of survivors and ill people but I don’t really think that it would be like the movies.

The Diary of a Zee

Recently I read a story called “The Diary of a Zee” by Brian LeCluyse. This is the story of a professor that died and came back to life as a zombie and he is recording everything that has happened in the world and how he is slowly decaying and transforming into a zombie. What destroyed humanity in this story was an engineered organism “that would soon clean the Seven Seas of the Great Garbage patches.” This experiment went wrong and killed dolphins and whales while leaving a virus inside of them. First human cases of these virus was Japan and from there it expanded globally. 



Photo by Hoshino Ai on Unsplash

I think that there is no way that a person could make a documentation like this since a symptoms of being a zombie is to be intellectually dead, there is no way there could be an intelligent zombie and if this could ever be possible then all normal humans would go extinct because then intelligent zombies would be able to create ridiculous ways to take over the world quicker.  

Zombie Virus

There is a lot of articles and studies to show if a zombie apocalypse is possible but the one that grabbed my attention was a blog made by Harvard Health Publishing because it explains how a zombie virus might spread.

“Although a pandemic that creates zombie-like symptoms is theoretically possible, a real-life zombie apocalypse shouldn’t be high up on our list of worries, says Dr. Schlozman.” with this in mind, it makes me question how would I prepare for a zombie apocalypse? and would I be able to have a diary or some record while being a zombie just like in the Short Story?

If this happens and I am able to maintain a diary of some sort it would be great because I would documentate my daily life as a zombie, it’s like documenting a the second chance you got to live! Sort of… 


Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

I would also write about how differently others reacted to the virus and try to “live” my life at the fullest. I wouldn’t worry about “dying” again because I would be the biggest threat from those who are not zombies, so I would just stay away from real humans and enjoy little perks of being a zombie.